Change your printed publication into interactive content with a realistic page flip and sound effect. Your ordinary content will get a new look which will provide your readers with a great reading experience. Additionally you can easily distribute and advertise your e-publication by simply sharing a link to your content in many spots in internet, as well in email, SMS and also can be saved on
a drive and available offline.
Find out more at E-TOOLS tab.
Make an impression
Impress your customer with a new way of presenting your content by adding to e-publication E-TOOLS as animations, videos, sound, pop up, links and many more. Your publication becomes meaningful as is much more approachable and engaging compare to printed or PDF content. Your readers will not get bored browsing through your publication and they experience positive emotions because of the many advanced
features we offer.
Save on print
There is a big price difference between printed and digital publication. Not only a printing cost can be very high, there is also quite expensive and limited distribution and in the end how many of your printed catalogues are actually thrown away in short time after being delivered. Now you can save money on printing and reach a wider audience for your publications. You only pay once for creating e-publication and you get unlimited copies for free.
Quality and quantity
What is great about
e-publications, you get lots of space. You don't have to limit pages as for printing and bear a high cost. E-publications give you an excellent possibilities of presenting information, you can add extra photos, drawings, reports, videos, description, customers' reviews, certificates, animations and more. Even that your content is rich in high res media it will not lose a high quality of presentation
and fast speed replaying.
Idea of e-catalogue
How many different publications, mostly catalouges are cluttered at your office space and in the end they end up in a bin? Your customers have exactly the same problem, save their office/ home space by sending them your e-catalogues in a link via email, SMS or social media. They will be able access your interactive content very fast without browsing through pages and pages of paper catalogues.
No more PDF ?
Respect your customers' time. Do not make your customers wait until your PDF will download and open, depends on the file size it usually takes ages and lots of space on a drive. We live in such a fast environment when people do not have time to wait, they need to access content as quick as possible. Provide your customers quick and easy access to your
e-catalogues on any device anytime and anywhere.
E-publication is a user-friendly and intuitive tool which let you easily find all information that you need by using an internal search engine. In addition you can bookmark any interesting content that you like. There is an interactive table of content available, which let you in seconds go to selected category without browsing through all pages, as well as thumbnail option which makes navigation very smooth. Thank to zoom in tool you can read a content in very high resolution even without using glasses.
Every business wants to be recognised. E-publications help you to build a brand recognition as your digital content can be linked anywhere in Internet, in social media, blogs, forums, company's website, website's banners, email, email footer etc. What is great about simple link, that you can send it directly to your potential customers. Additionally there is an option of sending email enquiry about products in a digital publication directly from e-catalogue. You choose the best solutions for your business.
Stay visible
When you send a catalogue to a customer, vary rare your customer will pass on your printed catalogue to a friend, which means you basically print one catalogue for just one customer. In contrast your
e-catalogue can reach much wider audience with no extra cost, thanks to widely available internet technologies. Your content can be shared in many places in Internet which are visited by your potential customers. E-catalogue is more than a website or ecommerce. Check for yourself!
Access your e-publication anytime anywhere, there is no limit. You can easily read your digital content on nearly all mobile devices including iPhone, iPad, Android tablets and Android phones. Share and market your content simply anywhere in Internet, or by email or SMS. Your customers can view your e-publication while shopping, queuing, traveling, just anytime! What if there is no internet access? No problem, your customer can download e-publication on a USB/ CD drive or print all, or selected pages if needed.
Go mobile
Make your e-publication SEO- friendly by customising keywords to maximise search engine visibility. In addition PAGE TO CLICK gives you option to extract the text of PDF and publish it as a text version so your publication can be easily searched by Google. Link your e-publication directly to Google Analytics account to monitor statistics in order to better understand how your customers use your digital content. This tool let you analyse the results and chose the best way to promote your offer to potential customers.
SEO, Stats, Analytics
Last few years companies invest more to get eco-friendly status. Sustainability is not just a trend but first of all is about taking more responsibility for products are produced. While consumers pay more attention if purchased products are eco-friendly and often if there is a choice they will choose to buy a product from a sustainable brand instead just any. PAGE TO CLICK promotes sustainability as all e-publications are eco-friendly. You can impress your customers with your own environmentally friendly digital catalogue or other publication.
Save space
Search what you need
Reach wider
See brands
that already have ecatalogs.
PAGE TO CLICK Copyright 2017
We are a team of experienced and creative marketers, graphic designers and IT. Our goal is to inspire your customers with your digital publication. We make effort to ensure your customers will appreciate fast access to your e-publication and intuitive navigation on laptop, tablet and smart phone. Moreover with our e-pubication you get a new effective marketing tool which will help you to reach more customers and get higher revenue.